Guernsey Green Finance – the initiative through which Guernsey Finance promotes the island’s sustainable finance offerings – has been renamed Sustainable Finance Guernsey.
The new name is intended to better reflect the broad work Guernsey does within the realm of sustainable finance. This decision comes after conversations and feedback from the Guernsey Green Finance strategy group which is now named the Sustainable Finance Guernsey Council.
Guernsey Finance’s Head of Strategy and Sustainable Finance, Stephanie Glover, said: “The landscape of green finance has changed considerably since the establishment of our Guernsey Green Finance initiative back in 2018. Renaming in this way broadens the scope and gives us a platform through which we can also promote the island’s offerings in natural capital, transition finance, social issues, philanthropy and other emerging new trends in sustainability as they come.
“The new name also means we are now aligned with other local initiatives such as Sustainable Finance Week, TISE Sustainable and the Guernsey Financial Services Commission’s suite of sustainable funds. There’s an international alignment as well, for example with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the United Nations Financial Centres for Sustainability, of which Guernsey is a member.”
Chairman of Sustainable Finance Guernsey, Deputy Nick Moakes, welcomed the name change.
“We’ve moved beyond being simply green finance,” he said. “Sustainability is now much broader than this and Guernsey has developed offerings in accordance with this evolving landscape. The focus specifically on green finance is however maintained through Guernsey’s hugely successful Guernsey Green Fund regime, which now channels £5.6 billion into green investments.”

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Guernsey Finance

Guernsey Finance is a joint government and industry initiative tasked with promoting and connecting Guernsey as a leading international finance centre.