Deputy Lyndon Trott has been reappointed as Chair to the Guernsey Finance Board of Directors.
Deputy Trott, who has previously served in the States of Guernsey as both Treasury Minister and Chief Minister, originally joined the board of Guernsey Finance in 2014 and was appointed Chair two years later.
Since his appointment he has completed two consecutive three-year terms, with this current term due to end in 2025.
Deputy Trott, whose current non-executive interests span Private Equity, Investment Management and Private Wealth and Pensions, said it was a great honour to be able to continue in the role.
“I consider it a great privilege to serve a further three years as part of an excellent, modern and dynamic team, which our Board are justifiably very proud of,’ he said.
“Guernsey Finance, under the brand WE ARE GUERNSEY, provides an essential role in helping to not simply promote, but showcase the outstanding depth, substance and expertise within our primary economic sector.”
The role of Guernsey Finance is to promote and connect Guernsey, as a leading international finance centre, in its chosen markets across the globe. In order to do this, the agency works closely alongside industry, government and the regulator.
“We have first-class relationships with all of those bodies and with our Industry Update only three weeks away, I am personally looking forward to Guernsey Finance showcasing what I see week in, week out – a team working enthusiastically and efficiently to demonstrate what a fantastic place Guernsey is to live, work and grow business.”
Guernsey Finance Chief Executive Rupert Pleasant warmly welcomed Deputy Trott’s reappointment.
“We are so fortunate to have a Chair who is both incredibly knowledgeable about Guernsey’s finance sector and who is so deeply committed to the role.
“The team and I are delighted to have the expertise and care that Deputy Trott brings in his capacity as Chair, not to mention the continuity that his reappointment will provide.”

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Guernsey Finance

Guernsey Finance is a joint government and industry initiative tasked with promoting and connecting Guernsey as a leading international finance centre.