Guernsey Finance has committed to an action plan to reduce its carbon footprint within the office.
The island’s promotional agency for the finance industry has been working with ESI Monitor, an organisation that rates businesses on their environmental and social impact. A dedicated team has collaborated on ideas of how to be ‘greener’ in everyday office life.
Green Finance Manager Stephanie Glover said that because sustainable finance was such an important part of the agency’s strategy, it was important to show a similar commitment to the environment at office level.
“We want to practice what we preach,” she said. “As a responsible global citizen, it is Guernsey’s intention to contribute its expertise and experience as a global finance centre to the fulfilment of these goals through the work of Guernsey Green Finance.
“As a company, we also want to do our bit to combat climate change and become a more sustainable business for the future of our planet. By making small changes, we hope to make a difference and encourage others to do the same.
“We have measured our carbon emissions as a company and identified key target areas where we can improve. This is a continuing work in progress – we recognise that this is only a step in our journey, and if we are open to feedback on our action plan and ways in which GF can operate more sustainably.”
The team looked at various areas where practices can be improved, such as off-island travel, recycling within the office and taking a close look at the value chain. Some of the initiatives in the action plan include:Travel: Considering the most eco-friendly option, and staff numbers, for travel to off-island events and encourage greener commutes to the office in Guernsey, and explore a carbon offset sponsor for events.Waste & water: Ensure responsible recycling practices are followed and water usage in the office is more efficient.Energy & buildings: Consider efficiency of electricity usage.Value chain: Ensure office supplies are ordered in bulk from a local supplier where possible, and use eco-friendly options for promotional materials.
Guernsey Finance has also updated its company values to include sustainability.
Deputy Chief Executive Barnaby Molloy commended the team for its commitment. “I am very proud that the team at Guernsey Finance has undertaken this initiative and taken practical steps to ensure the organisation is as ‘green’ as possible,” he said.

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Guernsey Finance

Guernsey Finance is a joint government and industry initiative tasked with promoting and connecting Guernsey as a leading international finance centre.