Steve Backshall confirmed as keynote speaker for Funds Forum

British naturalist Steve Backshall has been confirmed as the closing keynote speaker for this year’s Funds Forum. Steve is a BAFTA award-winning wildlife expert boasting an impressive TV career with popular franchises such as Deadly 60 and more recently with Sky Nature for his new series 'Whale with Steve Backshall'. In 2022, Steve was the lead presenter for BBC One's ‘Our Changing Planet’, the launch of a ground-breaking definitive seven-year diary, documenting the fight to save our planet’s most threatened ecosystems.

Guernsey the largest captive domicile in Europe

Guernsey is now the largest domicile for captive insurance in Europe with a total of 201 captives domiciled in the island at the end of 2022. Last year, Guernsey approved 12 new captive licences and had three surrenders. This overall increase of nine puts Guernsey at the top for captive numbers, overtaking Luxembourg with whom Guernsey tied joint largest European domicile at the end of 2021.

Guernsey and fund domicile success

Following the publication of an independent research report by Cerulli Associates - commissioned by Guernsey Finance - on domicile selection for US-based fund managers, Guernsey Finance’s Strategic and Technical Advisor Henry Freeman looks at why Guernsey remains a leading international finance jurisdiction for private capital and alternative investment funds. In the last year, Guernsey has been the proud recipient of two International Finance Centre of the Year awards from highly respected industry publications – International Investment and Citywealth. This sort of success doesn’t come overnight.

TheCityUK Chief Executive visits Guernsey’s key financial services figures

Miles Celic, Chief Executive Officer at TheCityUK, visited Guernsey to meet with key figures from its financial services industry. During his trip he met with Guernsey Finance – the promotional body for Guernsey’s financial services sector – the Guernsey International Business Association, the Guernsey Financial Services Commission and The International Stock Exchange. “Guernsey is a fantastic place and I love coming here,” said Miles.

New report highlights importance of fund domicile selection

Respected US-based independent research and consulting firm, Cerulli Associates, has today published a white paper titled “Fund Domicile Selection: Enabling Global Alternative Asset Growth”, in partnership with Guernsey Finance. This independent research has been commissioned to help private capital fund managers and their advisers understand key issues in deciding where to domicile their funds to attract a more international investor base. The report demonstrates that the global audience for private capital investing continues to grow strongly (global private asset investment grew 92% between the end of 2018 and the end of Q2 2022), so taking a considered approach to which fund jurisdiction to use is important.