A Miami-based charity that helps children with special needs has received a boost from WE ARE GUERNSEY.
Chief Executive Rupert Pleasant was in the United States was recently an attendee at the FPA of Miami International Symposium: Investment in US Real Estate by Foreign Investors, as part of WE ARE GUERNSEY’S promotional work in the region.
At the event, Rupert connected with Marisa Casablanca, Partner at US law firm Akerman. She has links to a charity that helps autistic children in Miami. After learning about the charity’s work, Rupert decided to donate some of the plush Guernsey cows and donkeys, which are typically handed out to delegates at events to promote Guernsey, to the children involved with the organisation.

“Guernsey cows and donkeys are iconic symbols of our island and the plush toys are always very popular with people we meet at events,” said Rupert.
“After meeting with Marisa and hearing about the wonderful work that the charity does, I thought it would be a nice idea to make a gift to the children.”
Marisa said: “Receiving these toys from Rupert was a wonderful feeling for them.”
“This charity has turned these children’s lives around,” Marisa said. “These children would be placed in the back of the classroom and forgotten about in their school. I learned of a boy that was kept in the classroom with a helmet and always hitting the wall before she took him in. I met him and now he seems like any regular boy. It has really opened my eyes to what is important in life.

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Guernsey Finance

Guernsey Finance is a joint government and industry initiative tasked with promoting and connecting Guernsey as a leading international finance centre.
